Move the Iri Wam bot robotic arm in a trajectory
Iri-Wam is a software package developed by Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial robotics laboratory. From roswiki you can directly install the iri_wam package in your ros framework.
To move the Iri_Wam robotic arm in a trajectory, we need to create a service which provides the trajectory motion. When you launch your gazebo world, there will also be some other modules like "kinet_camera, bowls, etc along with the iri_wam bot. My aim today is to move the robotic arm and pick the food and place it in the bowl. So here am using a service called '/execute_trajectory' service to move the robotic arm.
When I launch the client code, the service will also get activated as I included the path for service launch file inside the client launch file. Here am discussing only on how to create a client file which when called should make the bot to move for the already existing service.A sample python code and its launch file links are provided below:
In the above code, I imported rospkg also to use " get_path" function to add the get_foodtxt message to our code. We can launch the file by the command " roslaunch <package_name> <python_file_name>".Now we can see the movement of the robotic arm.