Move BB-8 in a circle like trajectory
First of all, you need to create a service which will make the bb8 robot to move in a circular motion when we call the service. For that, you need to create a server code which will provide the service. The code can be written in any language. Here I used the python language to create the server. The sample server file link has been provided below.
Now you can run the server in a terminal. Make sure that your rosmaster is running behind while you run your server code.Now, what happened is , we created a server which is ready to serve whenever we call the server. We can now call the server using either a rosservice call or by creating a client file. But here am creating a client file which calls the service. The sample client file link has been provided below.
Now we can run the codes, for that you either create a launch file to launch the files or you can either run directly on the terminal using "rosrun package_name python_file".So now when you execute the above codes you can see the bot moving in a circle like trajectory
Great work Sidharth! Keep going!